Leadership Essentials

Core Capabilities

Building the skills that unlock potential.

To thrive in any role or challenge, you need the right skills and tools. These Core Capabilities help you and your stakeholders identify opportunities, perform better, and achieve even greater success, wellbeing, and impact. At Maximy, we don’t just teach capabilities – we help you build, strengthen, and embed them so they become part of how you show up every day.

What we offer

Develop the Core Capabilities that matter most

We guide individuals, teams, and organisations to strengthen capabilities that make a real difference. Some of the ones we focus on include:

  • Creating high-quality thinking atmospheres – this includes building trust and respect, actively listening, constructively challenging, creating psychological safety and giving and receiving high-quality input
  • Time & energy management
  • A reflective practice
  • The fundamentals of managing thoughts, emotions, behaviours and habits
  • Brand, presence and reputation management
  • Relationship building and communication
  • Setting expectations - including objectives, deliverables, commitments, ways of working/ engaging
  • Adopting a Work-in-Progress / Growth Mindset - including experimentation and innovation
  • Strategising and planning
  • Managing performance, productivity and resilience
  • Having important / crucial / difficult conversations
  • Dealing with and adapting to change.

How skilled am I and my stakeholders?

It’s easy to assume we’re ‘good’ at these skills – but when we dig deeper, we often uncover gaps and untapped opportunities.

We ask reflective questions to help you – and your stakeholders – assess where you are today and where you could be:

  • How well could I teach this skill to someone else?
  • What tools, resources, and models do I rely on?
  • Am I a novice, intermediate, or expert – and what does that really mean?
  • What are my strengths, and where do I need to improve?
  • What outdated habits or bad practices might be holding me back?

By understanding where you stand, you can take the right steps to develop, practise, and embed these capabilities.

Core Capabilities

Get in touch to discuss the right blend for you

We offer courses, tutoring, practicing (with practice ninjas) and coaching.

You’ve got one shot at life

Maximy it!

Discover how we can help you and/or your organisation with your leadership journey to enhance your impact today.