Questions for you
We would like to help you develop the Best Possible Leaders at all levels of your organisation, so that you, your people and organisation can flourish.
The Best Possible Leaders
To help you think about whether or not you would like to use our services, ask yourself, "How well are my people being the Best Possible Leaders of themselves, their teams, colleagues and the organisation?”
Click on each of the numbered circles below to help you answer this question. These questions help you to think about where your people are strong and where improvements could be made.
Reflecting On & Defining Your Success & Wellbeing
- Are your people clear on what success & wellbeing mean to them?
- As an organisation, are you clear on what success & wellbeing look like today and in the long-term? Are you challenging traditional ideas of success?
- Do you and your people have a big-picture view of what enables success & wellbeing? Are you clear where you need to be focusing to add the greatest value?
- How well are your colleagues really facing up to the threats and risks with the changing landscape of business?
- To what extent are opportunities that come by in this fast-changing world, albeit fleetingly, seized by your colleagues and leaders?
- Are your people great at challenging the status quo and thinking about the possible? Are they good at coming up with new and improved product and service ideas? Plus, new and improved ways of working?
- How well does everyone know their main aim, where they should be prioritising their energy?
- How well are people in the business resisting short-term, quarterly results for real sustainability?
- How successful are you being in helping people respond with curiosity and flexibility as the goal posts, regulations and the entire world around you changes?
- Are you really doing enough to help colleagues have a successful private life? How much would it help if they became more proactive in asking for what they need?
- Can you, with assurance, claim that your people are leveraging the enablers and overcoming the constraints to their success & wellbeing?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Self-Concepts
- What is the confidence level in your team? How well are you and others managing the confidence levels in the team? What do you see in other teams around you? What would it be like if your senior leaders were not under or over-confident, but healthily confident and were able to have resilient confidence?
- How much do you value your role in society? Do you need help in showcasing that value?
- What’s the level of self-compassion like? We are not talking about rebuttal of criticism, putting on a strong face, using humour to deflect disparagement nor are we talking about cowering and self-flagellation. We are talking about taking the learning, fully, and moving on and up. How good is your self-compassion?
- How potent and vibrant is the organisation? No hubris or ‘noise’, but real, solid belief in your mission, vision, goals and each other?
- Would you like to know how to help others gain a healthy level of confidence and worth so that you can more enjoyably achieve organisational success & wellbeing?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Strengths
- Are you clear on the individual and collective strengths of your people?
- Have you used a robust process to assist your people to identify their unique strengths and not box them in with ‘labels’?
- Do you know the critical weaknesses of your people and how to address them? Do your people know their vulnerabilities and how to effectively address them?
- Does your strategy make wise choices avoiding weak areas? How actively are people committed to improving weaknesses or using great teamwork, utilising the interests, skills and passions of others?
- Are you creating the environment that triggers people’s strengths and not their weaknesses?
- Are your people playing to their strengths?
- To what extent do people feel psychological safety in giving totally full and honest feedback to each other, down, across and up?
- Is your organisation a place where you feel the energy and vitality? What’s not being managed?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Beliefs, Values, Attitudes, Mindsets and Attributions
- Our beliefs direct our attention, thoughts, emotions and behaviour – yet most of our beliefs are formed unconsciously and are illogical, irrational and not held up in scrutiny to be true. Yet they make up the culture around the place. How are beliefs, values, attitudes, mindsets and attributions of others stunting organisational growth? What would it be like if everyone adopted positive, logical, fair, reasonable beliefs? What would change for you in your job?
- What’s the ratio of people living the values vs. acting in a way that flies in the face of the organisational values? What would help make it unanimous and consistent?
- New generations and new societal norms are changing what used to be accepted behaviours in the workplace. It can be difficult for older people who have acted a certain way with impropriety to suddenly change, and yet, if they don’t you risk being front page headline news. What is being done to help a global, multi-generational, multi-gender workforce learn how to adopt a new mindset, challenge their attitudes, and form new habitual ways of thinking, addressing others and behaving with others?
- We all ‘attribute’ reasons to why people behave in a certain way (and science shows most of these assumptions are incorrect). What would change for the business if your people learnt a technique for examining their attributions, where by doing, they could shift their energy, mindsets and behaviour?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Interests, Passions and Motivations
- How would it be if all your people had undertaken deep analysis of their motivations, interests and passions and could commit to a role, knowing it was right for them?
- What could be the business benefit of having colleagues be able to regain their motivation after change or setback?
- How well do your leaders manage their own, and influence other’s motivation?
- How well are your leaders experimenting enough to find out the passions and interests of their teams, generating zest to learn or do things differently with calm, assertive, resourceful demeanour?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Intelligences
- There is scientific evidence that there are between 5-12 core intelligences; all of which matter in today’s working world. Are your colleagues stuck in an old-fashioned narrow view of cognitive and emotional intelligence?
- Just how many over-rate their intelligence, and what are the subsequent dangers linked to the decisions they make?
- Do you also see people underestimating themselves, and what are the consequences of that do you see around you?
- Creative, strategic and cultural intelligence are thought to be vital intelligences in a future world of robots and Al. None of these are easy to acquire but they can be learnt, and much of that work starts with mindset and reflection. Just how much reflection goes on in your place of work, or is the focus on do, go, now!?
- What might you be missing if you do not assess your team’s intelligence from a wider, evidence-based, modern approach to intelligence?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Personality
- As you probably know, neuroscience shows that our personality can develop throughout our lives. Just how well is that fact understood and used in your organisation?
- People think that they know themselves. Particularly, senior males (the science says!). Yet, contemporary scientists are proving that we don’t know our minds, how we make decisions and aren’t that good at predicting. We also don’t really know how others see us and how our actions affect them. We need structured exercises to find out. How many such exercises are going on in your organisation, at all levels?
- The military have long analysed battles and trusted the science. They are introducing robust systems to assist each other to manage the quality of the thinking, which involves speaking ‘truth to power’. A recent study showed corporates as failing to do so. How good is your organisation at ‘speaking truth to power’, checking each other’s assumptions, behaviour, moods?
- Leaders have power. Are there any narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopaths damaging your corridors of power?
- How deeply do your managers and leaders connect with the people they lead?
- How much insight do your leaders have into how people are feeling and thinking? It matters because the modern society won’t be led or even influenced by those who show no empathy or connection. Coaching in storytelling won’t cover up executive pathology or lack of real empathy. Can they stand in the shoe of the employee and the shoe of the contractor and those of the different types of customers they now have?
- Do you think your leaders optimally manage their personality to meet organisational, enterprise-wide goals? What could happen if they did?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Mental, Emotional and Physical Health and Habits
- To what extent do you feel joy and positive energy at work? Where it is missing, you will fail to innovate and release talent. What would be the result of people feeling good at work?
- Mental ill-health is almost at epidemic levels. As ‘first-responders’, are your managers equipped to notice and deal with it? Are they in good enough mental health to help others?
- How much are emotions talked of at work? Plenty of psychologists and behavioural economists are showing the pay-off for addressing emotions. Are you supporting your managers to be able to manage these conversations?
- Are you working your people so hard or so long that they go home exhausted, without the proper energy to give and enjoy people at home?
- To what extent are you taking 'the body' of your employees for granted? Evening conferences? Weekend work? Flying at unsocial times? Nutrition not on tap? The extent you look after their 'body', you look after their energy….their decisions and their energy for interpersonal skills.
- Amid the plethora of conflicting advice, how much do you think people know and are adhering to key health indicators – measuring them, making changes, re-measuring them?
- What bad habits, ways of working, are harming the health and the home lives of the people who work for you? What new habits would you like to form?
- What do you know about forming habits? (there is solid new science around it)
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Understanding & Managing Your Knowledge, Skills and Capabilities
- To what extent are your people taking ownership of the knowledge, skills, capabilities they and your organisation will need to thrive in the future?
- With how much confidence can you state the quality of your players against up and coming world players in your field?
- How engaged are your people in testing themselves out all the time, learning new things?
- With how much curiosity, creativity, conscientiousness and commitment have they shown about preparing their skills to be fit for the future?
- How much are they living “life-long learning”?
- How do your people check that they aren't under or overestimating their knowledge, skills and capabilities?
- How good is the interdisciplinary knowledge and skills of your people?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.
Defining & Managing Your Personal Brand
- What is the leadership brand in the organisation? In your department? In your team?
- Just how good are you at showcasing to the rest of the functions/geographies what you know, do and what you could bring to their party?
- What proportion and at what level are people showing a remarkable lack of self-awareness? Just what damage is being done? What about the people who are very self-aware and manage to flex their behaviour appropriately, what positives are realised? How will it be when everyone is thus enlightened?
- How well do people manage their personal reputations and the reputation of the organisation?
- How united and energetic are you on what you want to achieve, what you want to make a difference on/for in the world? How well are you doing?
- How thoroughly are your goals, plans, strategies, people priorities aligned in what they spend their time on, how they are with people, and what they give their energy to?
- Is everyone excited by living their sense of purpose through their work? What would change if they were?
- What is the level of an esprit de corps around your united mission?
These are some of the things we help you and your people explore, answer and do through our different services.