How we can help you
Our purpose
We want to help you to be the Best Possible Leader you can be…
…where a ‘Leader’ is a person who effectively enables and contributes to the success, wellbeing & positive impact of self, others, organisations, and the wider community & planet.
…and ‘Best Possible’ is about doing all that is possible and maximising what is available.
How we help you to be the Best Possible Leader you can be
We have two main ways:
You’ve got one shot at life. Maximy it!
1. Step Back & Ask
Key to being the Best Possible Leader is regularly taking the time to Step Back and Ask about your current situation – “What are all the things I’m trying to achieve and why? How is it going for me?”
Then, we ask you two ‘Leadership Meta-Questions’:
"Am I being the Best Possible Leader I can be?"
"How can I better contribute to the success & wellbeing of myself, my family, my team, organisation and the wider community?"
2. Reflect & Analyse
Through the BPL Capabilities Analysis Framework, we help you to benchmark yourself against evidence-based capabilities that contribute to success & wellbeing.
This can be a self-report but preferably via a 360 that includes your stakeholders (family, friends, boss, work colleagues, etc.) It helps highlight leadership and role-specific development areas.
We help you process your needs and build a practice of reflection and perspective-building through constructive dialogue.
3. Decide & Plan
With thought-provoking incisive coaching questions, we help you challenge and test any assumptions before you prioritise your learning journey, choose the development method/service, outline clear goals and create a feasible plan.
4. Take Action & Measure Impact
In Taking Action, we help you use an agile and iterative method, where you learn, experiment with your development, practise and apply the learning. You build a practice of reflection, gain self-awareness and thus grow.
The system allows you to Measure Impact through the learning of the stories of your journeys promulgated with stakeholders, and share your successes to inspire others.
You build your personal analytics, which aids you to thrive.